With 34 dead, 259 arrested and about 87 injured on the 16 th August the Lonmin are no where near backing down “sifuna R12-500” meet. Suspended ANC youth league leader Julius Malema came to address the workers at their secret, spiritual venue, and as you enter this venue women were all requested to take off anything on their heads, jewellery and loose change as it’s disrespectful to enter with those. Police left the place because workers were not feeling safe with them around. This all transpired on the 18 th AUGUST : “Hospitals and mortuaries are full with our brothers bodies killed by policemen – workers shouted” and soldiers too. We didn’t commit any crime except demand a reasonable living wage. Our lips are dry, we fear going to our homes because we might be arrested so we sleep here and wake here, we will die for R12-500 just like our brothers and we won’t leave this place until our brothers are buried, discharged at hospitals and realised from jail and our deman...