Hundreds of the community members across Bafokeng communities came to celebrate a court victory against their Chief on the 21 March. The Royal Bafokeng Chief/Kgosi Leruo Molotlegi and his lieutenants in the Royal Bafokeng Traditional leadership have faced fierce objections from the community on their attempt to snatch land without consultation. The Royal Bafokeng Traditional authority was stopped on their tracks to covertly register 61 farms in their name. Apparently, the traditional authority was acting without any official mandate when attempting to transfer the communities’ land in the Royal Bafokeng’s name. In the run up to seek the land registration the authorities avoided by all means to consult with the community, an opted to rushed to the courts. The land is believed to be owned privately by families and some by communities including the Baphiring, Bamogono, Bachana., Thekwana, Tlaseng, Tsitsing, Photsaneng and so on. The Bafokeng self-crowned monarch has since in the mid 1...