Kgomotso Ramatlhware

Roads in the new stands in segwaelane
The community have been living in this section for over seven years with no proper roads. They use path ways and open roads by cars. The community once gathered and discussed the issues they face with Kgosana (head man) and mandated to take the issues to the tribal office and ask on the behalf of the community to get the road greated till today nothing has happened.
In rainy days it becomes a major challenge to walk to school or get to work due to muddy roads. One has to wear boots or plastics until you reach the gravel road. There is stream across the section that flows only in rainy days and few days after. This stream ruins the road and runs through dumping sites and flows with the rubbish and dumps it on people’s yard which is hazardous to society and the environment.
This has to come to an end as society has a right to proper roads and sanitation. We have to fight together to become a developed community, we have demand what we rightfully deserve.


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