The relocation of Lekgoropaneng community to Mafenya was full of promises.
By KagisoPadi
It was in the year 2000 when it all started; negotiation
between the Royal Bafokeng Administration, BRPM, and the Lekgoropaneng
leadership took place. This relocation move was to make way for an open cast
mining. Promises were made but not all of them were kept.The first houses were
built and were not up to standard, people complained and a big strike was up
coming, and mid 2000 the Lekgoropane community members marched to the Royal
Bafokeng Administrtion offices to hand over their memorandum , the much lead to
the rebuilding of the house. Regardless of the all enticing promises not all
members of the community were satisfied by being relocated to Mafenya. It was
known that some amount was set aside for the maintenance of the bucket system
toilet, but they were never maintained. People were never happy and satisfied
with the relocation, for some benefited more than the others, but life goes on.
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